Critical Inquiry in Language Studies

ISSN: 1542-7587 (en papel); 1542-7595 (en línea)

Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal (CILS) is the peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Language Studies. Language studies overlaps fields of applied linguistics, language policy, language planning, modern languages and literatures, education, anthropology, sociology, history, political science, psychology, and cultural studies (including related fields, such as law, media, and information technology).

CILS focuses on critical discourse and research in language matters, broadly conceived, that is generated from qualitative, critical pedagogical, and emergent paradigms. In these paradigms, language is considered to be a socially constituted cultural construct that gives shape to, and at the same time is shaped by, the larger social, political, and historical contexts of its use. The primary purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for discussion of the research from such emerging paradigms and at the same time to bridge arbitrary disciplinary territories in which it is being done.

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