Language Acquisition

ISSN: 1048-9223 (en papel); 1532-7817 (en línea)

Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics aims to be the premier journal in the fields of first and second language acquisition. Research published in the journal addresses the theory of language and its development by considering theoretical, experimental and computational perspectives. Coverage includes solutions to the logical problem of language acquisition, as it arises for particular grammatical proposals; the character of children’s grammatical representations; from theory-driven studies of second language acquisition, language-impaired speakers, and other domains of cognition. Types of articles the journal publishes include: i) full-length research articles, ii) brief research reports, which report originial empirical findings, major theoretical advances or crucial developments that warrant rapid communication to the developmental linguistics community; iii) review articles, which provide an original and synthetic perspective on a focused subarea of developmental linguistics; iv) dissertation synopses.
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