Language and Education

ISSN:  0950-0782 (en papel); 1747-7581 (en línea)

Language and Education provides a forum for the discussion of recent topics and issues in language and literacy which have an immediate bearing upon thought and practice in education. Articles draw important and well-communicated implications from their subject matter for one or more of the following: policy, curriculum, pedagogy or evaluation in education.

The task of the Journal is to encourage language specialists and researchers in language in education and educational linguists to organise and present their material in such a way as to highlight its educational implications, thereby influencing educational theorists and practitioners and leading to improved educational outcomes for students.

Articles are welcomed concerning all aspects of language education in the dominant language of the country, society, or educational system in question. This includes mother tongue and second language education, issues related to immersion education, content-based language teaching, CLIL, bi/multilingualism, and medium-of-instruction. The remit of Language and Education, however, does not extend to modern foreign language education (i.e. modern foreign languages or English as a foreign language).

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